Prof Emanuela Ceva | Dr Michele Bocchiola
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia
C.so Strada Nuova 65
Email: etmp2017@gmail.com
Tel: +39.0382.984.265
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
Conference Theme
The idea of responsibility features prominently across a number of debates in practical philosophy, including legal, political, moral philosophy and applied ethics. This conference aims to bring together scholars from within different philosophical traditions to explore the different dimensions along which the many issues concerning the idea of individual and collective responsibility plays out and discuss its normative implications for the establishment of individual and collective rights and duties.
Paper Proposal
Paper proposals are welcome that engage, inter alia, with the following issues:
Individual and collective agency as pre-conditions of responsibility
Responsibility, free will, intentionality, and luck
Theories of responsibility: backward-looking and forward-looking
Responsibility and forms of social blame
Responsibility and punishment: justifications, excuses, and extenuating circumstances
Epistemic limitations to the attribution of responsibility
Factors hindering the attribution of responsibility: irrationality, cognitive biases, and self-deception
Human enhancement and responsibility
Responsibility for remedying injustices
Individual responsibility for cumulative harm
Responsibility in moral psychology
Attributive responsibility and distributive justice
Responsibility and equality of opportunity
Paper proposals (about 1,000 words) should be prepared for blind review and submitted electronically by 9 January 2017 to the following e-mail address: etmp2017@gmail.com. Decisions will be made and communicated by the end of February 2017.
Call for Papers